Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Can cockroach live in CPU?

YES - it can...this morning, my colleague asked me to help her decipher a weird sound that was coming out from her CPU. I could not hear anything but lo and behold! I saw the long long feelers of "xiao qiang". It was sticking out of the vents of the CPU. My goodness, it was huge....I wonder what my colleague had been feeding it with...haha
Ok, I finally did it!!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

今天刚刚学会用华语软件来写博客。好兴奋啊!我就好比像一个五岁的小孩,躲在一个角落静静的研究着妈妈刚买给我的新玩具。想不到仅仅的七年没用华文来写作,我的华文尽然退步了这么多。每一个字,每一个汉语拼音,都是那么的难写。 我好累啊,今天就写到这里为止。
今天我学会了一个东西。那就是用华语Software 打字。真好玩。以后我的博客就可以写华语字了。不要笑我sua ku 啦

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's day

12th May 2007 – My FIRST mother’s day

I did not celebrate Mother’s day yesterday. It was spent with my parents and Isaac. Desmond had to work thus; my parents came over to help me look after Isaac whilst I cleaned up the whole house. So, Mother’s Day is actually a labour day for me. As for my mummy, I celebrated with her last week with a buffet lunch and bird nest from Eu Yan Sang.

The origin of Mother’s day started with the Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, mother of all gods. The early Christians celebrated the Mother’s festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary, mother of Jesus. This was then extended to include all mothers and it was known as Mothering Sunday. Mothering Sunday was then discontinued by the English colonists who settled in America because of the lack of time. (Probably, they were busy conquering lands!!! Ha Ha)

In 1907, Anna M Jarvis began a movement to set up a national Mother’s Day in honour of her mother. Slowly and truly, Mother’s Day flourished and evolved into a much-commercialised day.

Until 20th November 2006, I never realise what it takes to be a mother and appreciate the self-sacrificing nature of a mother. I mean, I love my mother; I will not hesitate to pamper her or do my best for her, material and non-material wise. As long as within my means, I will provide. However, it took me 30 years to appreciate the true meaning of a mother. I never understand how tough it was for my mother to bring us up without any extra help until I had to take care of Isaac. I was lucky cos Isaac is very obedient and I had the help of my mother. I heard from my mother that my brother and I were pretty tough babies.

No words can express how grateful I am towards my mother. Her love and concern for us is endless, it starts from the moment we are inside her womb and continues even though we are grown up and are able to fend for ourselves.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Last night I went to Chinatown to look for materials for my jewelleries. After getting my stuff, I walked over to “Zhen Zhu Ba Sha” to wait for Desmond to pick me up. I had to pass by the concourse area that is bounded by the hawker centre, OG and Pearl’s centre. Boy! That place was bustling with activities. At one corner, there was this group of elderly singing Cantonese songs. At the far end, there is another uncle playing the harmonica. Around the sitting area, there were many smokers puffing away. At the far end, near to Pearl’s Centre, there were rows of stalls, with the hawkers calling out to passers by, promoting their wares. I cannot help but think of their life stories and how rich it will be anthropologically. Unfortunately, I do not have time to sit and observe more. If I have the time, I would love to interview some of them there. I am sure they will have very good things to share with me.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Few weeks ago, I was talking to one of my colleague, she says her ultimate aim is not to be a social worker. Yesterday, I spoke to another colleague of mine and she was also telling me that she felt stifled whenever she is in a counselling room with her youths. She was wondering if social work is really something for her.

Social workers, a group of professionals who command my respect. They work to benefit the society yet receive peanuts for their efforts. Sometime in Mar, there was an annoucement that more funds will be channelled to this sector. Few months down the road, I still do not see any movements. Social workers are humans, they have a family to feed and a life to live.
25th May is "Eat with your family" day. Sad isn't? The governement got to stipulate a day just for family to get together for a meal. Are we that busy that taking a mere one hour off our schedule to eat with our loved ones became so tedious? and Guess what? If you pledge to eat with your family that day, you'll get a free gift from the Ministry. Goodness me, have we really become so transactional and family "tie-less"?

Friday, May 04, 2007

The delicious "Pipa duck"

Now it is gone..all inside our stomach

Our labour day dinner:

a) Shark fin soup
b) Pipa duck
c) Sea cucumber in claypot
d) Pork Ribs
e) Spinach
f) Seafood noodles