Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First to clean up

I am going to target our store room first. Desmond's such a garang guni you know. He loves to keep all those funny things, wooden planks, screws, empty boxes, you name it, changces are he will have it stash somewhere in the corner. So my aim is to clear out the store room in 2..ok maybe 3 nights' time so that we can then have the space to move ther things inside and clear the rooms out. Will take some pics of the mission and post it online. We will have to do it after Isaac sleeps though, if not he will be a distraction.

Busy Bee

Since Desmond had made up his mind about relocating to Beijing instead of London, we had been very busy. There are just so many things to take care of. The car, the house, visas, shopping for warm clothings (this is the fun part!), packing our house to get it ready for the new tenants, doing up our budget, injections for the family, etc. So many things! Only one Jac. Desmond is a bit scatterbrain on all these things. You know, men are always like that, not worried about details and taking things one by one as the time comes. But Jac CANNOT...Jac is a control freak! I MUST have a plan in front of me, so that I know what are the things I must do first, etc. Argh

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


这几天在家里陪Isaac玩,非常高兴。他真的是越来越好玩。他刚刚学会走路,非常好玩,一直要走来走去。星期六带他到 vivo city的 Toy ‘R’ us。他好好奇,这里看看那里看看。星期日带他去三姑家。他看到那么多人不但不生疏反而和他们一起玩。我好久没有那么轻松了!每个人都很疼他。星期一带他到买鞋子。因为他星期六不见鞋子。买完后我们还帮他拍照。

Monday, February 25, 2008

revisiting my Japanese again -Damn rusty


Friday, February 22, 2008

My lo hei lunch

Had a lo hei lunch with my colleagues on Monday. We had great fun and ended up order so much food that we had to pack some and for the remaining, we had to resort to playing games and whoever lost had to eat the food as a form of punishment.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My biggest arrow since joining my current workplace

Last week, my outgoing AD sent me an email, telling me that she is resigning and that she will be handing over one of her projects to me. Well done loh, another big arrow.....A super duper big one ok? Need to come up with a specialist diploma for some external organisation loh....

i tried to deflect it by saying that I wouldn't be here for long but she said that well boss felt that you are the best person we have, no choice, can you tahan awhile? My analysis of "best person":

Out of the 6 old guards in the team, 1 big boss, 2 resigned, 1 on long leave and another turning part time, so of cos i am the BEST choice la! The remaining ones in the team are newly recruited members so definitely it is not fair to pass on this to them. So by default, again I am the BEST choice la!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am hooked on personality tests!!

Here's more from Dr Phil' personality test:

I scored 39 on Dr. Phil's personality test
Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken.

what does my birthday say about me?

January 5, 1975

Lucky Color: Teal
Personality Strengths: Sensuality, Care
Personality Weakness(es): Unpredictability
Successful Career Path: Business
Sense of Humor Style: Friendly
Adjectives to Describe You: daring, industrious
Also born on January 5: Coming soon
Mature and understanding - you are the wise person of the group. Cautiously optimistic by nature, you have a better and more balanced perspective on things are you as compared to the people you associate with - everyone turns to you for advice, as they should!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Left brainer

You are left brained. Left brained people are logical, and detailed oriented. They are good with words and language. Left brainers have excellent memory skills, and are good with order/pattern perception.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Just for laughs

I'm a bra
The most classic piece of lingerie - you are both the boon and the bane to an average mans existence. While lending support to the most interesting part of the womens body and revealing attractive cleavage shots, you also often hide the best parts - you tease, you!

I am a Nigella

Many people think you are just a little bit odd, but you consider yourself just a little eccentric. You find new experiences exciting and fulfilling

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We are face with so many choices in life. What food to eat, what books to read, what clothes to wear in the mornings, which cosmestics to buy and which skin care to use? ok ok, maybe these are bimbotic choices. How about we move on to more sophisticated ones? Like, which job to chose as your career, which pre school to chose for your kids, which doctor to go to when you need medical advice, etc?

All these involved CHOICE. A selection of one over the other indicates that the chosen one is the one with the least opportunity cost involved during the point of making the decision. Sometimes I wonder, what if we are faced with no choice? Life will not be that colourful but wouldn't that make us happier? Or would it not?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Two options, two cities, TOO confused

Reunion Dinner

We had steamboat for reunion dinner this year on our own. Reunion dinner with my parents in law was done the weekend before as my mother in law had to work late on the eve. So we decided on steamboat as it needed the least amount of preparation and the cooking was done real time ;-)

Isaac in the background, getting ready for dinner