Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I need stoning time

The weeks pass so fast...seven weeks of teaching had gone...I am so so damn exhausted. Maybe because of the days I am allocated. Monday - teach, Tuesday - rest day but i need to grade, Wed - teach, Thursday - rest day but more grading and finally Friday - another teaching day...and in between the pockets of "free" time I have, i need to work on other things like research and coming up with a specialist diploma for some external parties. Life is so hectic...I hardly have time to do anything, besides preparing for class, grade and reading up for work. Can you imagine how i manage to steal time by doing facial in Desmond's car on my way to work? Those facial sheets are amazing time savers...Boy, I am really looking forward to next week's break....I will have to catch up on other work but at least I have no classes and i can stone in my cozy office...

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