Monday, April 30, 2007

Same route, difference experience

I was sitting near the driver’s seat of a bus last Sunday. I love sitting on buses. Firstly, it allows you to “stone” and watch the world go by. Secondly, the time spent on bus allows me to think about my life. Thirdly, I love the solitude amongst the crowd.

Ok, back to my bus story. I was sitting on the bus, feeling rather bored so I started to observe the bus driver at work. He was a young chap, early twenties perhaps; Indian and chubby. As I look at him, I cannot help but think to myself how life as a bus driver is. Full of control? Yes. Control of the bus and passengers’ destiny and safety. And what goes on in his mind as he drives along his route? I think he will drive along this route for at least 4 times. Each time, the same route but different people on his bus, on his road. Different state of mind and space.

Yes, every hour, every minute and every second, time passes. It reminds me to treasure each second and the experience that comes with it well. Once it passes, you will lose it and that is it, period. Everything will be different.

Live life, treasure life!!

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