Thursday, January 31, 2008

E35R did an houdini act on me yesterday

Ok, the title of this entry tells it all. My class DISAPPEARED during third meeting. All went off. Wani msn-ed me and told me this piece of news and asked me to go to the class to take a look at the white board.
Ok, this is their artpiece on the board

What can i say?

Thank you E35R, I love you all too (so mushy yah?)

End of story

Monday, January 28, 2008

Count down to Chinese New Year!!!

Here's my timetable to spring cleaning

28/1 - Clean up masterbedroom and toilet
29/1 - Clean up store room
30/1 - Clean up study room
31/1 - Pack my clothes
1/2 - Supervise Des in packing up his clothes
2/2 - Do up my CNY decor for the house and buy food for CNY. Reunion dinner at my
parents in law place
3/2 - Clean up kitchen and toilet
4/2 - Clean up living room
5/2- Late night shopping at the wet market..will bring Isaac down to soak in the
atmosphere. Own reunion dinner
6/2 - Start of my half a month long feasting
7/2 - Gong Xi Gong Xi

My yearn to be a hair dresser - Satisfied!!!

I am always fascinated by hair dressers, skin care and cosmestics. Many years ago, I even contemplated taking up a course in dematology. I love to pour over skin care brochures and done many facials for my parents and Desmond. Isaac became my latest target last Saturday. I decided to try cutting his hair since CNY is just round the corner....Check out the end results....

Looks good if combed to the sides

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How time files

Rewind to the times when I first started teaching my three class in poly. It was a new term, everyone was new and shy. Things were ok, moving along fine. Before i knew it, 15 weeks flew past...just like that...vroooommmm....

What can I say about my classes? Well W15B is the serious and task oriented type. Getting some of them to talk (even after 15 weeks) was like asking them to do a bunjee jump! E35R has a good mix, but generally all were participative and forthcoming with their ideas. I LOVE facilitating this class. Each of them has their own idiosyncrasies. I have a Harry Potter lookalike who everyone loves to tease; I have emo kid who is really not an emo at heart; I have some very insightful and analytical students who never fail to amaze me with their good thinking skills and reasoning and many others. I was supposed to co fac this class with another colleague of mine. I was glad I asked my MC let me take this class all the way! Some pics

Lastly, my W46E - I facilitated half a semester for this class. They are the wildest bunch you can imagine. I have students performing magic, skate boarding and doing henna painting in the class during breakouts. They were vocal, unafraid to voice their thoughts and I love exchanging my ideas with them.

These three classes, all with their unique bunch of students inside.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My latest Craze - Lee Seon-Gyun

What more can i say? The picture says it all....he is SOOoooo CUTE...keke

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

False measles

This is the first time I heard about it. Isaac came down with a rather high fever on Friday afternoon. Mum gave him paracetamol and it somewhat subsided but during the night his body started to get feverish again. He was very lethargic the whole of Saturday. We decided to bring him to the family physician since this was the first time his fever did not subside despite several doses of medicine. His temperature went to a record high of 38.6 degree celsius!!!

Dr said that he had caught the "false measles" or Roseola virus. It is a viral fever which rash will occur all over his body and face when the fever breaks. Desmond and I looked at each other with amazement. "False measles"? Hmmm.....

Anyways, his fever did not come down despite medicine from the doctor. We were getting quite worried and started to sponge him non stop. Finally, after 2 days, his fever broke and he was finally back to his good old mischevious self. Then spots started to first near his genitals, then it spread upwards to his stomach, neck and head. Looks like Dr's prediction is correct.