Tuesday, January 15, 2008

False measles

This is the first time I heard about it. Isaac came down with a rather high fever on Friday afternoon. Mum gave him paracetamol and it somewhat subsided but during the night his body started to get feverish again. He was very lethargic the whole of Saturday. We decided to bring him to the family physician since this was the first time his fever did not subside despite several doses of medicine. His temperature went to a record high of 38.6 degree celsius!!!

Dr said that he had caught the "false measles" or Roseola virus. It is a viral fever which rash will occur all over his body and face when the fever breaks. Desmond and I looked at each other with amazement. "False measles"? Hmmm.....

Anyways, his fever did not come down despite medicine from the doctor. We were getting quite worried and started to sponge him non stop. Finally, after 2 days, his fever broke and he was finally back to his good old mischevious self. Then spots started to appear...at first near his genitals, then it spread upwards to his stomach, neck and head. Looks like Dr's prediction is correct.

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