Just now was having a talk with XX, she was feeling very upset. Many small unhappiness in her life snowballing and it is like an avalanche coming down on her. She felt suffocated and lost. I know how she feels cos I was once like her. Having so many things come onto me at one go. Uncertainties, dilemma, worries, frustrations and bascially I had only one thought; to be alone in this world, free to do whatever I want. Seeing the tears in her eyes, on the verge of coming out, I feel like giving her a hug (but hor, we are in canteen lah). I know, sometimes, we just need a listening ear and a comforting shoulder.
Yesterday I was reading this buddhism book on the pathway to happiness. Coincidentally, it talks about anxiety pangs. Focusing too much on oneself causes anxiety pangs. "I" cherish my own freedom, time above all else. "I"e want to take care of myself, "I" want to be happy, "I" like this, "I" don't like this. Notice, "I" takes a centrestage. Anxiety, frustration and unhappiness arise because of too much focus on the "me" part. Our experience of a situation depends on how we view it and how we interpret. Nowadays, when I am faced with a problem, I will ask myself whether I can do something to solve it, if I can, then there is actually nothing to fret over and if I cant do anything to it, then getting anxious and upset also no use.
But always easier said than done. But I am trying my best best best. Till the next entry, folks!!
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