Friday, August 26, 2005

Baby in her mother's womb

Yesterday I sms-ed my tail telling her that I am feeling very tense and very demoralised these few days.

Just now, my tail called. I was so glad she called.

My floodgates opened and I poured out all the frustrations I have in me. Everything just came out of me and somehow I feel better. Maybe we just need that someone to share our feelings. My tail, she is always the one I can count on. Thank you, Tail.

I dunno if it is the outside world that is making me feel so disgruntled and fed up. Be it at work or over at BA. Last minute work, mad rush for things, poor logistic support, coordination etc etc. Maybe I am just with people emitting negative vibes?? Or maybe I am the source of negative vibes??!!

I have been looking forward to going home, to be with Brownie, my parents, K as well as my weekly gatherings with my usual buddies. It is like a baby back to the safety of her mother's womb, well protected and cared for and knowing that there will always be someone there, someone there for porkchop!

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